We deliver leads, sales, and new customers with Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Search engine & social media marketing

Google Ads

Facebook Ads

Twitter Ads

Instagram Ads

pinterest Ads

We get it, investing in advertising can be scary. Especially when you've been burned before.

It’s not surprising that 76% of Google and Facebook budgets are wasted. There’s a sea of people out there calling themselves “PPC Experts” with nothing to substantiate that claim. At FollowUs Digital, we like to put our money where out mouth is. Our proven process creates steady ROIs conversions and high dollar sales. Ready to learn more? 

Our Services

Full Service Google Adwords Management

We create and optimize Google Adwords Campaigns that maximize ROI and achieve results. 

Social Media Marketing

We specialize in Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter campaigns. We use a proprietary forecasting model and process to plan and build high ROI ads.

Strategic Consulting

For clients who need to determine the best strategy for their campaigns, we offer strategic consulting packages that are custom designed for each client.

PPC Training and Coaching

We offer courses that take clients through a rigorous process to learn the in’s and out’s of PPC Advertising. Business owners and their team learn how to create their own campaigns.

Case Study

Doubling Conversions and Return on Advertisement Spending for Duke Hospitals

The client is a major US based hospital system with a Google Ads budget in the high six figures however, their AdWord campaigns are underperforming significantly.  In summer of 2017, the client reached out to Follow Us Digital, LLC to

1. Overhaul the campaign
2. Improve results – #1 KPI was calls and appointments for new patients
3. Train the client’s internal digital marketing team

See Results Through Link Below!

What Makes Us Different

We have created a process to build successful campaigns over years of testing and research.  Follow Us Digital’s clients create steady high ROI conversions and high dollar sales using this process.  Although we have templates we have developed that leverage our best practices, every client engagement begins with a deep needs analysis so we can create a customized solution.  Industry specialties include healthcare, financial services, and SaaS.
